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                         July 18-20th Spiritual Warfare Team Conference

Pastor Ron & Marianne Brunson.  Ron and Marianne are recently retired pastors of Plainview New Covenant Church in Plainview, Texas. They were mentored by the late Pastor Frank and Ida Mae Hammond, the Author of Pigs in the Parlor, a practical guide to deliverance. They pastored New Covenant for 35 years. Ron traveled with Bro. Hammond to conferences throughout the western hemisphere speaking on and ministering deliverance.

Pastor Jolene McCord, Lampasas, TX. Heart of Forgiveness is an international ministry called to share how forgiveness is the first step in reconciliation with God, self and others, bringing healing not only to relationships but also to the body. Our vision is to take, not only God’s love and forgiveness, but God’s saving, healing and delivering power to those in need, wherever they are. https://heartofforgiveness.org For more information please contact us by phone or email: 512-564-5127      info@heartofforgiveness.org Pastors James and Jolene are members of the International Spiritual Warfare Team.


7:PM Thursday Pastor Jolene McCord

7:PM Friday Pastor Ron & Marianne Brunson

7:PM Saturday Jolene McCord and Staff (Deliverance Evening)

Sunday 10:AM Deliverance Session for Stayovers with Pastor Mary Jefferson